Government must cancel mining in the lower Zambezi, JCTR has said.

J esuit Center for Theological Reflection (JCTR) in Solwezi district have called on government to cancer the mining operations in the lower Zambezi national park. Speaking at joint media briefing held yesterday at bishop potani guest house, Jesuit center for theological reflection (JCTR) programme officer Micomyza Dieudonn’e said his organization has noted with sadness that the high court of Zambia has ruled that the controversial kangaluwi open –cast copper mine project must go ahead in the heart of the lower Zambezi river. Mr Dieudonne’ says the risk of pollution and collateral damage to the environment is high as is the impact the mine will have on the wildlife in the area. He says JCTR is concerned with the type of development in the lower Zambezi national park ...