The Power of Personal Belief

The Power Of Personal belief. Party 1 By Anthony Tapa (TheeUnstoppable) Being a follower of Joel Osteen, today I listened to one of his sermons which he had entitled "Blessing yourself" After 35 minutes of keen listening to this preaching, I realised how important self belief is to an individual like me. In most cases dear friend, we always wait for someone to speak highly of us or bless us. I have reflected on this particular teaching and I have realised that there is power in self belief. Yes, for you to get to point B from point A, it takes your involvement. Now, what is this self belief? Self belief is an act of doing things or acting in a particular manner without someone else's approval. It is a personal decision made by oneself to do certain. Things. This simply means that for you to achieve certain goals , you don't need to be pushed by external forces but be ready to go an extra mile by blessing yourself. Many of us are failing to move forward beca...