HAPPY MENSTRUAL HYGIENE DAY TO ALL WOMEN By Chibwe Lumpa Today we join the rest of the world in commemorating World Menstrual hygiene day. Menstrual Hygiene Day is celebrated annually on the 28th of May since 2014 to raise awareness, change negative conceptions on menstruation and engage decision makers in prioritization of Menstrual Hygiene Management for girls. Menstruation negatively affects the average girl child due to lack of water and proper sanitation in schools, millions of girls lack a proper place to change their sanitary wear. Lack of sanitary wear during periods affects school work or even chances of making it to school on these days. Which eventually affects girls academic performance. Myths, misconceptions and lack of information has led to shaming and stigmatising periods. Till now periods are thought to be a taboo subject that cannot be discussed in public, menstrual products are smuggled because they are not supposed to be seen by anyone....