Kalumbila Minerals Limited hands over the water project to Shinengene community, Chief urges his subjects to guard the property jelously

North Western province provincial Minister Nathaniel Mubukwanu says government has placed  priority on ensuring  it deals  with all obstacles  that are  hindering  the developmental agenda aimed at providing  inclusive sustainable development to the people.

And honourable Mubukwanu says government remains  committed  to improving the lives  of its people through the implementation of livelihoods  improved  programs.
He adds that among them is ensuring that they have access to clean and safe drinking water.
 The minister was speaking today in Kalumbila District during handover of the Musele water project constructed by Kalumbila Minerals Limited  in Shinengene area.
Honourable Mubukwanu said water is a basic need and as government , they believe access to safe , clean water is the number one priority  for community  development and should be priotised when implementing developmental programs.
However, he says government alone cannot deliver development, it is only through public private partners with both local and international investors that can improve the social and economic status of the people.
" And today we are witnessing the fruits of one of these partnerships , where our all-weather friend first Quatum Minerals through its subsidiary Kalumbila Minerals Limited is improving acces to safe and clean water  for the people of Kalumbila district" Hon Mubukwanu.
Honourable Mubukwanu said the water project is inline with the government's  seventh national development plan,which among other things seeks to improve the well being of the population through improved access to water and Sanitation.
He also said that government is aware of the huge investments First Quatum  has made in the communities in which it works.
"Among them are the health  programs including HIV treatment and infrastructure for rural health centers and education, conservation farming, educational support and scholarship programs" He said.
"The mining firm has to date spent over US$100 million -thats more than K1.4 billion  on its sustainable and community development programs, whose main objective is to improve the quality of life of it's employees,their families and their emmediate  communities" he added.
Honourable Mubukwanu disclosed that the water project which has been handed over today consists  of the construction of much deeper boreholes, one in Kankozhi , one in Musele central and two in Kisasa.
He has further noted that Kalumbila North community has already been connected to the main network which is providing  water to the mining town.
"As you have witnessed today,each borehole will have a set  of solar  panels, submersible pump and  a 32,000 litre water tank. All these have already been procured  and awaiting delivery.
The provincial Minister further said that government has noted with gratitude the on-going program of borehole upgrades aimed at helping the community deal with the challenges of access to clean and safe drinking water.
Honourable Mubukwanu has also reafimed government commitment in providing a favourable business environment, which can lead to a win-win situation for both investors and local people.
He says it is government desire to see that there is a good  and warm  working relationship between the mines and the local communities for the benefit of all.
Honourable Mubukwanu has also advised the mine to continue working with all relevant stakeholders in exploring initiatives that are going to help the livelihoods  of the local people.
"Apart from making profit, investors have a duty and an obligation to invest in their host communities, something First Quatum is currently doing" he said.
The provincial Minister has implored both local and foreign investors to emulate First Quatum, which is not only the largest tax payer, but also playing a leading role in complementing  government's efforts to improve the livelihoods of the people.
And speaking at the same event, Senior Chief Musele of the Lunda speaking people of Kalumbila District cautioned his subjects to take care of the project.
Senior Chief Musele said the local people should at all cost not engage in acts of vadalism as the project will not Only save an individual but  the entire community.
He further thanked the mine for the codial relationship in the quest to save the people in the area.
End/Tapa/Kalumbila District/2019


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