Chota foundation in conjunction with council of churches of Zambia and young Christian education club of Zambia has implored north westerners to fully participate in the coming expo north west Zambia 2019. In a press statement availed to Solwezi FCC radio news today national media coordinator for Chota foundation Felix Chifunda Musemvu said as an organization, they are in support of the hosting of the expo for it has the potential to bring about opportunities that will change the livelihoods of the people in the province. Mr Musemvu said the expo will create opportunities for the people in north western province more especially in the promotion of business linkages both at local and international community level. He said there is need of people to stand up and embrace the process aimed at unveiling the hidden treasures the province is endowed with. Adding that doing so will positively contribute to alleviating poverty in the province. Mr Mu...